About Us
Bal Nikunj English School

Education helps us get exposure to new ideas
and concepts that we can use to appreciate and improve
the world around us and the world within us.
The world around us is everything external.
The world within us is everything internal; like our mind,
our body, and our emotions.Education is the tool that breaks
down all barriers. Education is part of the foundation
of all progress and growth, both as an individual and
as a society.

Education opens up the mind, expands it
and allows you to improve your life in so many ways.
I hope you’ll find them helpful no matter if you’re a student
that needs a boost of motivation or if you’re a teacher of any
kind that wants to inspire and make a change
in the lives of your students.

Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge,
critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to
make this world a better place.Education connects you with the stories, theories and accomplishments of
faraway cultures and generations. It offers you a body of knowledge greater than you can
ever gain on your own in one lifetime.

Education is a long term investment. The time and money you put in,the courage you have to move through challenges and persevere
it will all keep paying off for the rest of your life. – Academic And Competitive Educatiom are Providing By college for making a global personality convent education making is our another task

When you develop critical thinking, you no longer take things for granted .You start questioning why things are the way they are. You learn about people who saw something wrong and had the courage to do things differently in their personal lives, or lead a nation to an impactful transformation. Yes, you need courage and tenacity, but when you get an education, you start realizing you can make a difference too.
– Mrs Rashmi Shukla – Principal

Even the most successful person makes mistakes. The process of learning from life’s failures isn’t easy, but it can be a good thing for your students to experience. As a teacher, you can’t stop students from struggling, but you can help them discover important lessons while providing the encouragement to carry on. For kids who need a bit of courage to pick back up and start again, it can help to share some motivational quotes for student success. Use these quotes to teach your students that failure isn’t something to be feared, but rather, something to embrace and grow from.
– Mr Shalendra Singh – Vice Principal

Procrastination can feel like an easy excuse at first, but it can soon become a student’s greatest weakness. It gets in the way of productivity and can create more stress during busy times. A good teacher can help students overcome this unhelpful habit early so that they can live up to their potential in the classroom and beyond. Use these powerful motivational quotes to give your class an extra push to get started.
– Mrs Meera Mishra – Senior Clerk
Bal Nikunj English School at a Glance
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Bal Nikunj Inter College

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